Introduction to the new website of the European Committee on Radiation Risk

In 2015 and 2016 scientific papers published by members of the ECRR began to put extreme pressure on radiation risk model which is the basis for nuclear energy, nuclear weapons and the use if Depleted Uranium weapons. Following the most important and recent of these papers, published in January 2016  the website of the ECRR, was hacked into and stolen by an individual with addresses in the UK and phone numbers in Canada, none of which are real. In addition, scientific members of the ECRR are acting as experts and as the representative in a very important legal case in the Royal Courts of Justice in London for 3 weeks from June 13th 2016. The stolen website has been altered by the hackers and all the emails with the address are no longer safe: messages to these are redirected to the nuclear/ military psychological operations centre which we have been told is based with named individuals associated with the University of Illinois Institute of Technology.
The website is a mirror site for the information that was on the site which should be assumed to be in the control of the nuclear/ military complex. Please only contact us through the site and its associated emails.

Fukushima and Health: What to Expect

The Committee announces the publication of the Proceedings of its 2009 Lesvos conference.
For those who wish to know the health consequences of the Fukushima catastrophe, the answers are to be found within this volume and in the radiation risk model of the ECRR.
The data presented to the 2009 conference show the real world effects of living in areas contaminated with the dispersed contents of an exploded nuclear reactor. Twenty five years of studies of people living on the Chernobyl contaminated territories has been enough to quantify in detail the cancers, the heart disease, the loss of lifespan, the congenital illnesses, even the changes in sex ratio, in childhood intelligence and in mental health that follow exposure to radioactive contamination.

26th April 2011: On the 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Catastrophe,
mindful of the continuing discord over the extent of its impact on health,
and mindful of the implications of that discord for public safety in regions affected by radioactivity from Fukushima,
the Committee has published an appraisal of the global health consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

20th March 2011: In the present emergency in Japan, and mindful of the lack of detailed information on radiological aspects, the Committee has published an Advice Note. The Committee has applied its own methodology to such data as was available to calculate expected levels of cancer in exposed populations. Link

Similarly, the Committee publishes an Advice Note on calculating the risks of ingested Iodine 131Link.

April 2010: Committee publishes new Recommendations. ECRR 2010: The Health Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for Radiation Protection Purposes: Regulators’ Edition (Purchasing information)

As a response to the Fukushima catastrophe a pdf of the Recommendations is free to download (1.35 Mb)

February 2010: Committee publishes its report on Uranium (a free download).

Radiation Risk: The new era begins Riga Conference presentation by ECRR Scientific Secretary, 14th August 2009.

International Conference Preliminary report, Declaration, and press statement.

Public debate between ECRR’s Scientific Secretary Prof. Chris Busby and ICRP Scientific Secretary Emeritus Dr. Jack Valentin, who admits that ICRP recommendations cannot be applied to post-accident situations and that it is a mistake not to address studies which falsify ICRP’s model.Transcript here.

Chernobyl – 20 Years On 2nd Edition.
This comprehensive collection of reports and report summaries is a counterpoise to the disinformation about the effects of the Chernobyl disaster which is disseminated by various official bodies.
The Second Edition, published in April 2009, has a new preface and includes some corrections to the original text.
Here are data from the real world: the world of the Chernobyl laboratory. The lessons contained in these chapters should be borne in mind by policy makers who are, even now, discussing new investments in nuclear energy and ways in which historic and future radionuclide waste can be disposed of into the environment.
Now published in Spanish and freely downloadable from this linked page

Other publications

Background to the ECRR
A short account of the history of the Committee is provided at this page

ECRR contacts
European Committee on Radiation Risk/Comité Européen sur le Risque de l’Irradiation,

Avenue Marnix 28,
1000 Brussels,

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